Auburn High School Senior Centre


The Auburn High School Senior Campus (ASC) seeks to enhance Auburn High School’s connection to its community, sports fields and natural landscape. Being located at the North West corner of the site, along Auburn Rd, gives the school an additional public presence and provides additional passive supervision over the sports fields.

The design for the ASC celebrates the unique site condition, a former quarry, by cutting into the siltstone cliff exposing the raw material as a feature and using the excavated stone on site, where possible, for landscape and seating. The excavation allows for moments of cool calm at the lower levels where the enclosed space pulls away from the newly exposed siltstone, allowing a courtyard of planting that supplies additional natural light and air circulation for the lower levels.

The double storey building negotiates the change in site level with a main entry foyer to Auburn Rd that steps down, into the cliff face, to meet the level of the playing field. This creates a reduction in visual bulk from Auburn Rd as you only see a single storey as you approach. The double storey faces the playing fields and provides two levels of covered outdoor space, for indoor-outdoor learning and viewing of sporting games.