Il Duomo
A DIY post-war renovation had left this Victorian Workers Cottage with a very high faceted vaulted ceiling affectionately leading to the name Il Duomo many years earlier. Highly ornate tiles contributed to an Italian flavour all were keen to see embellish. Wine, orecchiette, torn bread, muscatels and cheese wheels – the good life. A Medici feast in the thick of Carlton North complete with Octogon geometry to mirror the cathedral ceilings of its Italian sister – only turned on its side to create a terrarium like courtyard.
The Florentine façade also informed the colour scheme it’s pink white and green grid can be seen not only in the punchy pink black & green Terrazzo paving extending through the space inside and out to maximise the feeling of space of the tiny urban block. But also, in the grid of the ceiling – the acoustic panel filled waffle texture creates a variety of delicious moments as it collides with the courtyard geometry.
The brief called for a light-filled, optimistic, flexible, storage-filled & playful space. The first lightwell provides gives the bathroom, bedroom and kitchen aspect and cross ventilation. And, combined with the small yard at the back of the property, this home feels big & bright. The coved mint vanity unit gives joy to the little bathroom laundry space that, once again is suited to the festive Italianality thematic.